The following are the type of donations we currently require:
⦁ Food – Canned food (canned meat, canned fruit…etc), rice, pasta, just add-water snacks
⦁ Drink – Bottles of water, bottles of soft drinks/juices
⦁ Male/Female Clothing: Coats, waterproofs, jumpers, t-shirts, jeans, tracksuit bottoms, new underwear, socks, hats, gloves. All items must be clean & in wearable condition
⦁ Toiletries – Single packaged toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, wet wipes, feminine hygiene products
⦁ Sleeping bags – Clean sleeping bags always welcome
As a voluntary organisation we do not have the resources to collect donations. Our priority is to help those who are rough sleepers or experiencing homelessness, although we can ask some of our volunteers to help with collections.
If you wish to donate anything else not listed you feel we may find useful then please email;
[email protected]

Helping the Homeless and Vulnerable
No one involved in Mad Dogs Homeless Project is paid.
100% of all money donated goes to help homeless issues in Greater Manchester.